The three youths Vipin, Mohit and Sorabh, all college students, have been arrested for the incident on Saturday evening at Balwakheri village under Charthawal police station in this UP district, police said. They were produced today before a duty magistrate who remanded them to judicial custody.
The victim was door-to-door canvassing for getting enrolment of children for the private school she was working for when she was accosed by one of the youths.
The girl's father lodged an FIR against the accused, police said, adding a case has been registered against them.
The victim has been sent for medical examination and investigations are on, they said.
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This incident came within a fortnight of a similar one in Muzaffarnagar when a 20-year-old woman was gang-raped by eight men, and the video circulated on WhatsApp. The woman alleged that the men had threatened her that if she complained to the police, they would post the video online.
The incident took place yesterday when the boy was playing outside his house and the accused Karamvir picked him up and brought him near a jungle, they said.
A case has been registered against the absconding accused, police said, adding that the victim has been sent for medical examination.