In a written reply in the Lok Sabha, Environment Minister Harsh Vardhan said extreme heat and cold conditions affect the health of wildlife in zoological parks, which sometimes result in their death.
According to annual inventory report for the year 2016-17, ten White ibis housed in Sri Venkateswara Zoological Park in Tirupati and an equal number of long-snouted crocodiles in Mini Zoo at Bhiwani in Haryana, died of heat stroke and cold respectively.
One Kalij pheasant at Gandhi Zoological Park in Gwalior died of cardiac arrest caused by heat stroke, the minister said while quoting the report.
Vardhan said the government has taken various steps for upkeep and healthcare of animals housed in zoos across the country, including framing Recognition of Zoo Rules, 2009 for health, upkeep and veterinary care of animals.
It has also asked the states to constitute a Health Advisory Committee to advise zoo operators on animal healthcare related matters.