Director General of Police Abhayanand said the decision was taken by Chief Minister Nitish Kumar at a high-level review meeting of the home department today.
Among the proposed 242 armed fighting companies, 44 companies will be a dedicated force to deal with rioting, while the remaining companies will be engaged in operations against the Maoists and organized crime, he said.
Kumar also directed that the district police be upgraded to a fighting force companies and would be armed with anti-riot equipment and weapons which will be purchased as per requirements, Abhayanand said.
The chief minister also directed the home department to create the post of Director-in-chief (DIC) of the Forensic Science Laboratory (FSL) and setting up of a directorate comprising the FSL, finger print and photo bureau under the DIC, who will be a forensic science expert of national repute.
The meeting also decided to recruit people in the vacant posts in the police force and purchase equipment as per requirement.
The government would provide 35 per cent reservation in the recruitment of women constables and sub-inspectors under which three per cent posts will be for those from the the OBCs, Kumar said adding the policy decision in this regard will be ratified by the cabinet in due course.