The accused, identified as one Amit Kumar, worked as a private teacher. He was apprehended by KN Katju Marg police who recovered a fake appointment letter that had been handed to the son of retired Delhi government SDM, OP Arora.
Arora had registered a complaint against Amit Kumar on charges of criminal conspiracy, cheating and forgery. In his complaint, he alleged that Amit Kumar approached him about two years back through one Anil Kumar and promised to get his son a job in a nationalised bank.
The accused then first handed an appointment letter for the son to join an Andhra Bank branch in Chandigarh as a probationary officer. He personally accompanied the father-son duo to the bank's zonal office where he, however, told them that the joining had been deferred.
"At this point, the duo became suspicious about Amit Kumar's conduct. On November 21 last year, his son went to a nearby Andhra bank branch at Prashant Vihar to verify the authenticity of the joining letter. It was there that some senior officers at the bank told him that all the documents were forged.