This year till June, two cases of security lapses have been reported from the Delhi airport, Minister of State for Civil Aviation G M Siddeshwara said in reply to questions and added that these were brought to the notice of concerned agencies for appropriate action.
While 17 cases were reported in 2011 from six airports, seven of them at Chennai and six in Mumbai, the number declined to nine in 2012 with the maximum of four reported from Mumbai. In 2013, the number declined to only one case reported at Amritsar, he said.
On safety issues, the Minister said a total of 556 instances of flouting of safety norms by private aircraft and helicopter operators have come to the notice of DGCA from 2011 till last month.
The number of such cases were 38 in 2011, 227 in 2012, 167 in 2013 and 124 till June this year, he said, adding that enforcement actions like warning, suspension, cancellation and withdrawal of permits, licenses, authorisation and approvals have been initiated against the defaulting air operators.
Severe actions were taken by DGCA against the defaulting air operators, including grounding of 14 aircraft, de-rostering from flying duties of 18 pilots and seven cabin crew members of several private air operators, he said.