The notices by the central probe agency have been issued against Loop Telecom Limited, New Delhi for Rs 549 crore, Ms Loop Mobile (India) Limited Mumbai for Rs 26 crore, Ms DB Realty Limited Mumbai for Rs 2,831 crore and Ms ETA star property developers pvt ltd, Chennai for Rs 399.50 crore for a variety of alleged contraventions under the Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA), sources said.
The notices sent to these companies have cited various charges of violation of RBI guidelines in place for receipt of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and routing of funds to and from foreign shores.
Loop Telecom Ltd, Delhi and Loop Mobile (India) Limited Mumbai have been show caused for alleged violation of FEMA with regard to "failure to report to RBI the receipt of FDI and issue of shares to foreign investors."
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Chennai based construction firm ETA star property has been charged by the agency for "failure to issue shares against FDI within 180 days and to report to RBI the issue of shares to foreign investors".
The agency, along side CBI, has been probing money laundering and forex violation instances against the firms involved in the 2G case and has earlier issued similar notices to the tune of Rs 2,000 crore in the same case against various other firms.