Special CBI Judge O P Saini, who was scheduled to pass an order on the plea, posted it for August 17 after the counsel appearing on behalf of Swamy said that he would advance some arguments in the matter.
The lawyer told the court that Swamy was not in Delhi while the counsel, who was to argue on the plea, was unwell.
He had also alleged that examination of witnesses of the CBI is "incomplete" as they have not discussed the meetings which took place regarding the allocation of 2G spectrum during Raja's tenure as the Telecom Minister.
He had said that Raja's statement to the JPC speaks about various meetings which took place regarding allocation and pricing of spectrum.
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Swamy had also pressed for summoning of then Finance Ministry officials Sindhushree Khullar and Shyamala Shukla as witnesses to explain the file notings during those meetings.
Swamy has sought summoning of Raja's April 22 written statement to JPC Chairman P C Chacko along with the draft report of the JPC, the draft report of the Public Accounts Committee and also Shukla, the then Director of Infrastructure, and Khullar, the then Additional Secretary of Economic Affairs Department, to ascertain the truth.