Arguing on the bail application filed by Raja as well as on framing of charges in the case, advocate Manu Sharma, who appeared for him, said the DMK leader was earlier granted bail in the CBI's 2G spectrum allocation case and he has been attending court proceedings keeping aside his political commitments.
His counsel also contended that there was no evidence in the case and it was a "mere coincidence" that he was a member of the DMK and his party had planned to start Kalaignar TV.
"How the prosecution (ED) can say that I have knowledge of transaction taking place back and forth. How do I know this transaction. How am I actually involved," he said, adding, "It is an unhappy coincidence that I belong to that party (DMK)."
During the hearing, Raja's counsel argued that his client has been allowed to depose as a witness to defend himself in the CBI case and if he would be taken into custody, "the whole process of being examined as defence witness will be disrupted."
During the proceedings, the court also heard arguments advanced by the lawyers representing some of the co-accused in the case.