In his application filed before Special CBI Judge O P Saini, Swamy said that "in order to ensure that all aspects of the case are examined, actual culprits may be booked, tried and punished it is necessary to summon the complete written statement filed by A Raja before the JPC."
The court has fixed July 6 for hearing arguments on the application.
"It has come to the knowledge of the complainant (Swamy) that the written statement gives a detailed account of the official meetings held between the Prime Minister, the Finance Minister and the accused in December 2007 and January 2008 to formulate and finalise the rules and regulations for the 2G spectrum allocation by the then government.
Swamy had earlier also moved an application seeking directions to make Chidambaram an accused in the case. His application was, however, dismissed by the court in February 2012.
The court had, however, said it will hear the complaint filed by Swamy in which he had made further allegations against Raja without making Chidambaram an accused.