Environment Minister Prakash Javadekar said as per available information, consumption of plastic in the country was 11 million tons in 2013-14.
"The total quantum of plastic waste generated in the country from 60 major cities is estimated to be 3,501 tonnes per day. The cities of Delhi, Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Ahmedabad and Hyderabad are generating maximum quantity of plastic waste," he said during question hour.
Javadekar said the environmental impact of plastic waste has been examined by various committees in recent years, such as the task force constituted to formulate a strategy and action programme for management of plastic waste.
Animals also ingested plastic bags with discarded food leading to their illness and sometimes death, while plastic waste when disposed off on soil reduces recharging of ground aquifers, he said.
Recycled plastic bags and containers also contaminated packaged food, Javadekar said.