The incident happened this afternoon when Avesh, Naeem, Riyaz, Shadi, Shamsuddin, Mazadoor, Zubair, Ammar and Irfan along with labourers of Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited (UPPCL) were repairing a fallen 11-KV power line in the village in Mahona Paschim area, SHO of Bazar Shukul police station Mohammad Hamid said.
During which, the wire accidentally touched another high tension wire (33KV) passing near it and three of them - Avesh (23), Naeem (24), Riyaz (45) died on the spot.
Congress Vice President and Amethi MP Rahul Gandhi, who was addressing a rally in Jagdishpur when the incident happened, visited the injured and enquired about their health.
Hamid said, an FIR against four UPPCL officials was lodged.
Later, Amethi District Magistrate Yogesh Kumar, following consulation with the concerned department, announced an ex-gratia of Rs five lakh to the kin of the deceased and some amount to the injured.
Kumar also said that information in this regard has been sent to government seeking more help to concerned.