In its two-page status note submitted before the bench of Justice B D Ahmed and Justice Siddharth Mridul, PWD has said that all due diligence was carried out by all the concerned authorities before approving the proposal and added that it will not hamper the movement of residents of the area.
The civic agency has also submitted that the proposal has been approved by the Unified Traffic and Transportation Infrastructure (Planning and Engineering) Centre (UTTIPEC), Delhi Urban Arts Committee (DUAC) and city government after extensive consultations with all stakeholders, including various Residents Welfare Associations of Vasant Vihar who have opposed the building of the three-lane flyover.
The court has listed the matter for further hearing on September 30.
PWD in its status note has also stated that an application has been submitted before the Tree Officer in June this year for cutting trees for the project and has assured that no trees will be cut without permission.
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On last date, the court had sought from PWD the status of the tender invited by it for building the three-lane flyover as well as all the documents associated with the project.