The gang members - kingpin Rajender and associates Vikram and Badal Singh - were nabbed yesterday by personnel of Anti Auto Theft Squad of Delhi Police. Rs 30,000 in cash, two bikes and bank passbooks and chequebooks were recovered from them, said Pushpendra Kumar, DCP of West District.
During interrogation, the trio revealed that they were relatives and were earlier involved in bootlegging. They switched over to looting bank customers for big bucks.
One or two members of the gang used to monitor customers inside the bank who withdrew large amounts, and pass on the information to their associates waiting outside.
When the customers left the bank, the gang members followed them on motorcycles and intercepted the prey at secluded place and snatched the money from them, said the officer.
The accused also revealed information about the remaining members of the gang. Raids are being conducted to arrest them.