Additional S. P., Sirmour, Sanjiv Lakhanpal said CID arrested the teachers who were allegedly serving in the government schools on the basis fake documents pertaining to their academic records.
These teachers were arrested by a team led by Sub Inspector (CID) Rupender Kumar last night from the different government schools of the district.
They were produced in a court here today which remanded them in police custody upto August 14.
He said the arrested persons are Hansraj Dhyani, posted as principal of government senior secondary school, Banaur, Raj Kumar Sharma, lecturer in physics, posted in government senior secondary school, Shivpur, and Babu Ram posted as a para teacher in government middle school Loja Halahan in Sirmaur district.
Hansraj Dhyani and Raj Kumar Sharma were serving as regular teachers for nearly 12 years while Babu Ram was appointed para teacher about eight years ago.
The certificates of educational qualifications produced by the teachers were found to be forged when verified from the Bodh Gaya University, Bihar, which purportedly issued the cerificates, police added.