In the first incident which took place yesterday evening near Satsang Bhawan in Narwana, one Sonu, from Dhakal village, died and another named Kewal got injured when a Pick-Up van hit the motorcycle they were riding, police said.
The two had received severe injuries in the incident and were admitted to a local hospital, police said.
Sonu's condition was severe and he was referred to Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Rohtak where he succumbed to his injuries, they said.
In the second incident, one Sunil of Paju Kala village died when he was hit by an unidentified vehicle last night, police said.
Shailendra received fatal injuries in the incident and was admitted to PGIMS Rohtak where he succumbed to his injuries, police said.
A police spokesperson said the police stations concerned have handed over the bodies to families after post-mortem.