The tussle between two camps in AAP at the national level has divided the state unit too. Senior leader Kanu Kalsariya said that Arvind Kejriwal should be given more power, while a group led by Nachiketa Desai, a former scribe and grandson of Mahatma Gandhi's personal secretary Mahadev Desai, said he and others believed in the "politics of change by Yogendra Yadav".
"I got to know that some people including Nachiketa Desai have been invited, but as I am not convinced about the rival group's contentions against Kejriwal, I am not going to be a part of it," Kalsaria said, speaking to PTI today.
"The party got a thumping victory in Delhi polls, which became difficult to digest for some people. This is an obvious problem for any political party. But we all want to resolve this issue," he added.
When asked whether the party will take any action against those who attend the Gurgaon event, Kalsaria said it would be better to ignore them, but the final decision would be taken at a party meeting next week.