11-year-old Kaliya was given the award for sports. Despite obstacles, she has excelled as an athlete and a soft ball throw player. She has won a silver medal in 50 metre race and soft ball throw in national level competitions held by the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports at Kalinga in 2014.
15-year-old Venakat also has an extraordinary skills and qualities like lip reading, singing songs based on tune, giving tunes to the songs, dancing, and parody songs.
Among others presented awards at the function included 14-year-old R Vaishali, an outstanding chess player who represented India internationally in many countries. She won a gold medal in under-14 chess competition in Asian Youth chess championship.
In the innovation category, 12-year-old Soring Lepcha was given the award for designing a cost effective water filter which can control water-borne diseases in his village. He has installed water filters in community drinking water taps.
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She has designed an automatic mobile nebuliser that works on solar energy which helps the farmers to spray insecticides in plants.
The motor automatically identifies the plant and sprays the insecticide. This nebuliser reduces manpower, saves money and extra work by the farmers. In addition, she has designed other innovative science models including easy mobile charging machine and simple wooden machine for extracting sugarcane juice.
Shubham Jaglan, 11, who won a title in Junior World Golf Championship held at San Diego in the US in July, was awarded in the field of sports.