Varun Pal, a resident of Krishna Nagar in east Delhi, was arrested on August 7, 2014, from north Delhi's Rohini on the basis of a complaint filed by a divorcee who alleged that he had duped her and taken Rs 6 lakh on the pretext of marrying her, police said.
According to police, it was in a television programme that Pal had come across the idea of cheating girls by creating fake profiles on matrimonial websites.
The accused created fake profiles on several matrimonial sites, including Jeevansathi.Com, Bharatmatrimony.Com and Shaadi.Com, and targeted divorced women, police said.
Pal did not even use his real photograph and instead put up pictures of someone else on these profiles, police said.
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"On the pretext of marriage, he would obtain their nude photos... Also, showing enthusiasm about marrying them, he took money from them citing some loss in business. When a girl asked to be repaid, he would threaten her about making her photographs public," the official said.
One of his victims, a divorcee, filed a complaint on July 17, 2014, with the Economic Offences Wing (EOW) of Delhi Police alleging that he had taken Rs 6 lakh from her on the pretext of marriage.
Before engaging in this crime, Pal had variously worked as a data entry operator in a news channel, a call centre employee, an insurance agent, community centre employee and a commission agent for some real estate developers, police said.