"In North Delhi Municipal Corporation (NDMC), during the period from September 2012 till date, 2,354 complaints have been received. Most of these complaints are of general nature having no discernible vigilance angle and hence were referred to the concerned Deputy Commissioners of the six zones for necessary action at their end.
"The complaints having vigilance angle have been investigated and some are still under investigation. During investigation by the Vigilance Department, 161 RDA cases were initiated against 237 officials," Minister of State for Home Affairs Haribhai Parathibhai Chaudhary said in a written reply.
Out of the 161 cases in the NDMC, 28 were finalised while 133 were pending.
For South Delhi Municipal Corporation (SDMC) 105 RDA cases were registered involving 165 officials.
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"In South Delhi Municipal Corporation, the complaints received from various sources having vigilance angle have been investigated and some are under investigation. During investigation by the Vigilance Department, 105 RDA cases have been initiated against 165 officials," Chaudhary said.
The erstwhile unified Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) was trifurcated into three civic bodies -- North Delhi Municipal Corporation (NDMC), South Delhi Municipal Corporation (SDMC) and East Delhi Municipal Corporation (EDMC).
"During the period January 2013 till date, 6,786 number of complaints were received. Most of these complaints were/are of general nature having no discernible vigilance angle and hence were referred to the concerned Deputy Commissioners of the two zones for necessary action at their end.
"The complaints having vigilance angle have been investigated and some are still under investigation. During investigation by the Vigilance Department, 82 RDA cases were initiated against 124 officials," Chaudhary said.
On the question of steps taken to weed out corruption in the municipal bodies, he said, "surprise inspection/preventive checks are carried out by the head of the departments including vigilance department and directions are issued as and when necessary."
"All tenders are are invited and processed online," he said.