Additional District and Sessions judge Arun Chandra Shrivastava (special judge) pronounced on Wednesday the death sentence against Arun, Pawan, Chandradev and Dwarika for killing Kaila Devi (50), her son Keshav (25) and their relative Hari (24) on February 10, 2004, said Additional district government counsel (ADGC) Rajiv Kumar.
Sahibabad police was informed on February 11, 2004 by a passerby Vikas Bajaj who noticed cloth-wrapped three beheaded bodies in a garbage dump in Shalimar Garden area.
Kaila Devi and her son Keshav, who belonged to Giridih district of Jharkhand, ran a roadside eatery in Sahibabad and were in possession of a flat built on a plot in Shalimar Garden extension area.
According to the prosecution, Pawan and Vinod also laid their claim on the same flat and to settle their dispute they planned to eliminate the mother-son duo.