Adesh Baliyan, Prem Kumar, Pankaj and Amit were arrested on a tip-off, said SSP Onkar Singh, adding that at the time of the arrest, the accused were going to sell a looted car.
Four other robbed cars have been recovered at their instance, he said.
Besides, four countrymade pistols, 12 stolen mobile phones, 5 gold rings and documents of various vehicles were seized from them.
The accused have revealed that after looting cars, they used to park them at the house of one Guddan Yadav in Daurala for 6-7 hours. In the night, they used to shift the cars to parking lots of metro stations in Delhi, Singh said.
With the arrest of the accused, 12 cases of vehicle robbery reported in Meerut and nearby areas have been solved, the SSP said, adding that Adesh Baliyan carried a reward of Rs 10,000 on his head.
Efforts are on to arrest the other accused, the SSP said.