In a statement tabled in Rajya Sabha, Human Resource Development Minister M M Pallam Raju said that the mid-day meal scheme is constantly reviewed through quarterly progress reports and central review missions also visited the states in that regard.
He said that independent monitoring institutes had also evaluated the scheme at regular intervals.
Raju also gave details regarding complaints received regarding poor quality food. Of the 40 complaints received from 2009 to 2012, nine complaints had been made in Delhi while seven complaints had come from Madhya Pradesh.
To another question, Raju said, "As per District Information System for Education (DISE) data 2011-2012 (provisional), 87.9 per cent government elementary schools in the country have toilet facilities and 94.3 per cent government schools drinking water facilities."
He said that through the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA), 3,04,454 school buildings, 17,91,860 additional classrooms, 8,53,624 toilets and 2,29,840 drinking water facilities have been sanctioned across the states and UTs.