Congress spokesperson Sharmistha Mukherjee on Friday alleged that the Narendra Modi government has spent 40 per cent of the Rs 928 crore funds allocated for the 'Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao' programme on its advertisement alone.
She also targeted the Devendra Fadnavis government over the "rising" crime against women and children in Maharashtra.
Talking to reporters here, she alleged, "I want to reveal some shocking facts about the 'Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao' programme. Since, its launch in 2015, around Rs928 crore were allocated for it. However, only 19 per cent of this amount was allotted to the states and districts to implement this scheme."
"In 2013, the number of rape cases registered in Maharashtra was 1,546, which went up to 2,305 in 2017. There has been a continuous rise in the crime against women in the state."
When asked about her views on RSS, she said, "What we are getting to see is that a division is being created in the name of religion. I don't agree with it as it is against our democracy and Constitution. We are also Hindu and believe in Hindu religion which says 'all the world is our family' and hence there is no scope for division."