To make the villages prosperous and self-sufficient, every household would be electrified by 2019, Das said while inaugurating 132/33 KV Grid Sub-station at Tamad, about 50 km from here.
Stating that the electricity problem in Bhagawan Birsa Munda's village will end now, the chief minister added that without power one could not expect development.
Referring to the enormous potential of coal-powered energy of Jharkhand, Das said the state has the capacity to provide electricity to the entire country.
This grid would also end the problem of low voltage in Tamad and it would be connected to Chandil Grid, an official release said quoting Das.
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The closed down cold storages would also be re-opened, he said, adding that dropped out students would be imparted skill training to help them in self-employment.
Stating that 26,000 women self-help groups were connected to JHARCRAFT (Jharkhand Silk Textile & Handicraft Development Corporation), Das said the government would purchase blankets, sheets, towels and school uniform from it, which would aid them in increasing their income.
Extending greetings to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his team on completing two years in office, Das said the prime minister has established new dimensions in development and enhanced the nation's prestige abroad.