In the Rs 4,787 crore allocation for the health sector, the plan budget is Rs 3,138 crore which is 45 per cent more than the last year's plan expenditure which was at Rs 2,164 crore.
Poor infrastructure and lack of staff had affected the quality of health services in the national capital.
On June 22, around 2,000 doctors of 20 hospitals launched an indefinite strike, demanding adequate life saving drugs, security at workplace and timely payment of their salaries.
Today's allocation are expected to improve the condition of hospitals.
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Three new hospitals with total bed capacity of 1,800 are planned at Nangloi, Siraspur and Madipur, Sisodia said.
To match the hospital bed requirement with the population of Delhi, the government has proposed to enhance the capacity of hospitals.
As part of which, the capacity of hospital-cum-medical college at Dwarka has been proposed to increase from 700 beds 1,500 beds.
Similarly, the new hospital complex under construction at Ambedkar Nagar, originally planned for 200 beds, will now have 600 beds.
Deep Chand Bandhu Hospital at Ashok Vihar, originally planned for 200 beds, will now have 400 beds capacity.
The minister said that the Government is planning to purchase ten new plots at Mehrauli, Mahipalpur, Pitampura, Mandwali-Fazalpur, Geeta Colony, Pandav Nagar, and Dwarka from DDA for augmenting the health infrastructure.
To boost the health care, Delhi government is also planning to set up "Mohalla Clinics" in all parts of Delhi.
"About 500 such clinics will be opened in the current financial year. Five centralised labs with modern facility will be set up in North, South, East, West and Central Delhi during current financial year to provide diagnostic services to the patients visiting Mohalla Clinic.