Sheohar registered 50 per cent voting, Sitamarhi 47 per cent, Muzaffarpur 51 per cent, Maharajganj 45 per cent, Saran 45 per cent, Hajipur (SC reserved) 43.2 per cent and Ujiyarpur 48 per cent, the Election Office statement said.
In Saran, a bomb was found about 500 metre from a polling station in Marhaura which was defused.
There were reports of fracas between workers of RJD and BJP in Sonepur Assembly area which was part of Saran Lok Sabha constituency.
Among the 118 candidates in fray were LJP President Ramvilas Paswan from Hajipur, former chief minister Rabri Devi of RJD and Rajiv Pratap Rudy of BJP from Saran.
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In Hajipur, a 100-year-old man was brought on a charpoy to a polling station to vote.
In Samastipur, people were seen going on horse and elephant back to cast their votes.
Bypoll to the two Assembly seats of Chiraia and Maharajganj was also underway.
Altogether 66,211 security personnel were manning polling stations while the Indo-Nepal border was sealed. Two helicopters were carrying out aerial surveillance.