The deceased, identified as Vinod Mehta, worked as the secretary in an NGO. He had earlier survived a severe spine injury and was undergoing treatment since 2011. Mehta's relatives told the police that he was depressed over his slow rate of recovery, said a senior police officer.
According to the police, the matter was reported around 8.50 AM today when Mehta's elder brother and sister-in-law found him hanging from the ceiling fan of a bedroom in the ground floor of their apartment. They called up the police control room and Mehta was rushed to the AIIMS Trauma Centre, where he was declared brought dead.
Mehta was unmarried and he lived in the Malviya Nagar apartment with his younger sister, elder brother and sister-in-law. They told the police that they had noticed no peculiarity in Mehta's behaviour and last night he went to sleep as usual after having his dinner, said the official.