The vans will be deployed at the Vishwa Vidhyalaya Metro Station (North Campus), Patel Chest Institute (Delhi University), Rajiv Chowk Metro Station, Lady Sri Ram College and Sri Venkateswara College, South Campus, which witness high footfall of women and tourists, said Sanjay Baniwal, Special Commissioner of Police (Women Safety and Operations).
Twenty seven women police personnel, including three assistant sub-inspectors and 21 constables, were imparted special training in firing skills and unarmed combat, he said.
Five all-women PCR vans, staffed and operated by women police personnel, were also inducted in September, 2016. They are at present stationed at the C-Hexagon-Rajpath, Jesus Mary and Maitreyi College, Vijay Chowk-South Fountain, KG Marg-American Centre and Khan Market, the Delhi Police said in a statement.