"With the arrest of notorious house breaking offenders Syed Hameed and C Koteshwar Rao besides chain snatching offenders Mohd Khaleel, Orada Raju and K Srinivas Reddy, police has detected 50 cases of house breaking and 26 cases of snatchings reported in different parts of the city, Cyberabad Police Commissioner C V Anand told reporters.
Accused Syed Hameed and Koteshwar Rao are ex-convicts who indulged in 46 house breaking offences of Day and Night under various police stations limits of Cyberabad Commissionerate, the senior police officer said adding Mohd Khaleel and Raju, also ex-offenders were indulged in 26 chain snatching, besides four house breaking offences and two automobile theft cases under Hyderabad Commissionerate limits.
While Srinivas Reddy, who is an ex-convict has committed six house breaking and was wanted in two motor vehicle theft cases, the Cyberabad Police chief added.