"Five per cent rebate on VAT will be given to buyers by the Gujarat government on the purchase of machinery from a Gujarat-based manufacturers during the exhibition. A rebate of 3 per cent is also announced for placing order with manufacturers outside Gujarat," said the chairman of national advisory board of PlastIndia Foundation Mahendra Patel.
The event scheduled to take place at Gandhinagar between February 5 and 10, will be inaugurated by Union Minister for Chemicals and Fertilisers Ananth Kumar.
PlastIndia Foundation is expecting footfalls of more than 1.5 lakh business visitors during the expo.
"This will be the 9th edition of PlastIndia. The exhibition is spread across an area of 1.25 lakh sq meters. Around 1,600 exhibitors from India and across the globe will showcase their technology in the exhibition," Kadakia added.
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Justifying the decision of organising the expo in Gujarat, he said 60 per cent of plastic processors out of total 30,000 in India are from Gujarat, which makes this state an "ideal place" to organise this event here.
"After we announced to hold this event in Gandhinagar, many exhibitors have decided to withdraw. But numerous others decided to join the expo because it is being organised in Gujarat, which is having 60 per cent of plastic manufacturers. This is a huge market for any machinery manufacturer," said Chitalia.