Star India had introduced a host of broadcast innovations and firsts powered by a marketing blitzkrieg for the World Cup.
From the first ever multi lingual broadcast of the World Cup in six languages to a global first telecast of cricket in 4k, Star put in place a never seen before broadcast plan to make this tournament bigger and better than ever before.
The biggest ever commentary panel featuring 13 World Cup captains, 20 World Cup winners and 26 World Cup semi-finalists, was assembled to bring in the live action from the ongoing mega event. The broadcast was bolstered by new look graphics and in depth analytics taking the viewer experience to the next level.
A Star India spokesperson said, "Team India is on a glory run and with records tumbling on field, the Indian fans are tumbling records off it too. The passionate Indian fans have rallied around their heroes irrespective of time zones and schedules, cheering the unbeaten run of the defending champions with utmost gusto.