A "laddu" weighing about 580 kg, known as "maha prasadam", was offered to the idol of Lord Ganesha installed at the Film Nagar Daiva Sannidhanam (Temple Complex) here on Thursday.
The sweetmeat was prepared by Suruchi Food at Tapeswaram in East Godavari district of Andhra Pradesh.
"The laddu, which costs about Rs three lakh, will be offered to the devotees on the third day after performing puja," Uppalapati Ramabhadra Raju, spokesperson of Suruchi Foods, told PTI.
Last year, they had offered a 500-kg "laddu" to the Ganesha idol, he said.
About 220 kg of sugar, 145 kg of cow ghee, 175 kg Bengal gram flour, 25 kg cashew nuts, 13 kg almonds, three kg cardamom and one kg of green camphor went into the making of the sweet, Raju added.
Suruchi Foods used to offer the "maha prasadam" laddu to the Khairatabad Ganesh.