According to SSP Vaibhav Krishna, on June 20, the main accused, Haneef alias Alamgir, impersonating as the Chief Minister's Officer on Special Duty (OSD), called Khurja Nagar Municipality Chairman Rafeeque Fadda and said he could help resolve the problem between the latter's company, Altamas Frozen Food, and the Pollution Control Board.
In return, he asked Fadda to deposit Rs 40 lakh to the party funds and gave a bank account number for the purpose.
On June 30, Fadda lodged a complaint of cheating at Khurja Nagar kotwali against unknown persons, said the SSP, adding that the police nabbed six persons tracking the SIM card details of the accused.
The main accused, Haneef, runs a shop in Etawah while his brother-in-law Islam, another accused, works as a casual labourer in Agra. Others arrested are Musharraf Baig of Muradnagar, Raess, Asif and Hariom Verma of Agra.
Verma is a retired bank employee who helped the culprits open the false bank account, the SSP said, adding that Haneef had cheated others too in the past by impersonating as the Chief Minister's OSD.