Cyber Crime police station, attached to Hyderabad police, arrested Mangesh Tribuvan, Akshay Ashok Nikam, Yaseen Ahmed Ali Shaik, Dhananjay Singh, Ajaz Muneer Khan and Tushar Laxman S -- all residents of Mumbai -- and brought them to Hyderabad on transit warrant, police said, adding that they were remanded to judicial custody today.
According to police, the six accused used to provide their bank account details for a 10 per cent commission on every transaction.
"On August 31, she furnished her debit card number, CVV number, password, date of birth and mobile number on the website," police stated in a release.
Police said when the woman checked her email on September 2, she was surprised to find that an amount of Rs 1.90 lakh was transferred from her account to various bank accounts.
During investigation, Cyber Crime police obtained the details of bank accounts where the amount of Rs 1.90 lakh was fraudulently transferred.
After ascertaining the details of the account holders, a police team went to Mumbai and nabbed the six accused, the release stated, adding that efforts were on to nab the other accused.
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