Around six lakh workers and30,000 small units in West Bengal can benefit from the Centre's EPF subsidy scheme, a senior official said on Wednesday.The relief announced by the government can be claimed by eligible organisations/establishments by filing electronic challan-cum-return (ECR)."Government wants filing to be done immediately even if the unit is incapable of paying the employer's due for now. The payment duration had been extended till May 15 for the March contribution," Regional PF Commissioner-I, Kolkata, Navendu Rai told PTI."Employees Provident Fund Organization (EPFO), has put in place an electronic mechanism for crediting EPF and EPS accounts of its subscribers as per the package announced by the Union Government under PM Gareeb Kakyan Yojna on March 26, 2020 for helping the poor to fight Corona pandemic," a recent labour ministry statement had said.The due amount on behalf of employers and employees reflected in the ECR on account of EPF and EPS (24 per cent wages) will be credited by the central government for three months in UANs (universal account number) of contributory members, earning monthly wage of less than Rs 15,000, who are already employed in EPF covered establishments/factories, employing up to one hundred employees with 90 per cent or more of such employees earning monthly wage of less than Rs 15,000.The ministry said that around 79 lakh subscribers and approximately 3.8 lakh establishments are expected to benefit benefit from the package. This is estimated to have a subsidy outgo of Rs 4,800 crore in a period of three months.Nearly 7,200 companies in the state have availed this scheme, amounting to Rs 14 crore and benefiting 1 lakh subscribers.