According to police, Ganesh was allegedly kidnapped from outside his residence at central Delhi's Ranjit Nagar last evening with the kidnappers having demanded Rs 1.5 lakh for his safe release.
The incident comes close on the heels of the brutal murder of a jeweller's son in east Delhi's Gandhi Nagar area after he was kidnapped for ransom.
"Ganesh's kidnapping came to light when his father, who is a fruit vendor, returned home and discovered that his son was not back from play," police said.
It was then that the boy's father decided to approach police. But even as police were trying to trace the kidnappers, Ganesh's body was found in the park this evening with the throat slit.
A case of murder and kidnapping has been registered and efforts are on to nab the accused. Police is also tracking the number from which the ransom call was made, the official added.