Responding to a supplementary question by BJP Tesam Pongte of BJP, the minister said the department had initiated the project during 2010 on PPP mode after execution of a memorandum of agreement between the construction company and State Urban Development Agency (SUDA).
He said 60 units under category E (Type V) were under construction while 116 applications for flat have been received so far.
However, the district administration evicted the illegal encroachers from the project site and the company has assured the department to complete 60 flats by December next year, he said.
Responding to a supplementary from senior BJP member Japu Deru on the terms and conditions in the MoA for compensation, the minister informed him that such provisions were incorporated.
In reply to a supplementary from Opposition BJP leader Tamiyo Taga as to why the department could not construct the flats when the company had stopped works, Pema said the since the project was in PPP mode, the department was not spending any amount but would convene a meeting with the company in September and ask to complete 60 units by next year.