As many as 63 more Tablighi Jamaatreturness in Tamil Nadu tested positive for the novel coronavirus on Tuesday as neighbouring Kerala and Karnataka also reported new cases of persons who had attended the Islamic meet in Nizamuddin West in Delhi last month.In Tamil Nadu, the total number of COVID19 positive cases on Monday touched 690, with 637 of them being returnees of the Delhi meet and their contacts, the state government said.Of the 69 cases reported on Tuesday, as many as 63 had attended the religious event in South Delhi, which has become the country's major hotspot for the deadly virus spread.In Karnataka, 12 new positive coronavirus cases were confirmed, taking the total number of affected in the state to 175, the Health department said.Among the 12, four had attended the Tablighi Jamaat congregation from March 13-18.One person each hailed from Bagalkote and Bengaluru Rural, besides two from Bengaluru city.The positive cases in Kerala saw a marginal increase, with the state reporting nine new patients, including two who had Tablighi link.Nizamuddin West in Delhi has emerged as a major epicentre for the spread of coronavirus in different parts of the country after thousands of people took part in an Islamic congregation organised by the Tablighi Jamaat from March 1-15 and travelled to various states across the country.