"The price of each bulb will be kept at Rs 100 and will be distributed through Mahadiscom, Reliance Energy, Tata power, BEST," an official in the Chief Secretary Swadheen Kshtriya's office said.
"At present the LED bulbs cost very high. If there are more consumers, production of LED bulbs will also increase which will reduce the production cost," the official said.
ACS (GAD) P S Meena, who is officiating as Chief Secretary in absence of Kshtriya, participated in the video conferencing with the Prime Minister yesterday in which review of LED was taken.
"Prime Minister informed that Maharashtra is leading in LED lighting followed by Andhra Pradesh," the official said.
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The aim now is to reduce energy consumption by 35 to 50 per cent, he said.
"The renovated building of Mantralaya, the state headquarters have LED lighting installed. We expect that we would have saved Rs 31 lakh annually of our electricity bill," the official stated.
After Marine Drive in Mumbai, LED lighting has been done in APMC Navi Mumbai. Brihanmumbai Municipal corporation (BMC) and all other civic bodies have been asked to replace their street lights with LED.