Minister of State for HRD Shashi Tharoor said in Rajya Sabha that under the state sector component of the Model School Scheme, 74 model schools have been sanctioned in 74 EBB in Chhattisgarh at the rate of one model school per block.
The model school scheme does not have the provision of a hostel facility but the construction of girl's hostel scheme of central government envisages setting up of a 100-bedded girl's hostel in each of the EBBs, Tharoor said.
He added that at present there is no specific proposal to open residential schools upto high school level in Naxal-hit areas.
Tharoor told the house that the annual work plan and budget proposed by the state for 2013-14 under the "Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA)" for the upgradation of 81 primary schools into secondary schools was considered by the Project Approval Board (PAB).
Based on appraisal as per the norms of RMSA, the upgradation of 16 schools located in Special Focus Districts (SFD) has been approved, Tharoor added.