Of the total 6,01,882 candidates appeared the examination, 4,55,094 students successfully cleared the test, BSE president Dakshya Prasad Nanda said addressing a press conference at the Board's office at Cuttack.
The pass percentage is 78.95 per cent (4,28,347 candidates) among regular students while it is 50.09 per cent (23,827 candidates) among ex-regular students.
Nanda said the boys out numbered girls in this year's examination. While 2,28,103 boys succeeded, 2,6,991 girls passed the exam.
"434 schools accomplished 100 per cent pass result while not even a single student could pass the exam in 25 schools," Nanda informed.
For the first time, the BSE introduced gradation system after abolishing division pattern of examination.
While 387 students secured A1 grade (over 90 per cent marks), 7,047 students obtained A2 grade, Nanda added.