Arukh, while replying to a question by BJP MLA Dilip Ray in the assembly, said that during the period from 2000 to July 9 this year, 797 persons were killed and 269 injured in elephant attacks.
The elephants have also damaged 10,369 houses, destroyed crop over 91,666.76 acre of agricultural land, the minister said, adding the state government has paid Rs 41.15 crore as compensation to the affected families.
The minister said 633 jumbos live in Angul circle, followed by 549 in Baripada circle, 229 in Sambalpur circle, 228 in Rourkela circle, 149 in Berhampur circle, 87 in Bhawanipatna circle, 43 in Bhubaneswar circle and 12 in Koraput circle.