The Mizoram police deported eight young Rohingya women, suspected to be victims of human trafficking, to neighbouring Assam on Friday after they were arrested near the border of the two states in Kolasib district a day ago, police said.
The women, aged between 18-22, were arrested at the Vairengte police checkpoint on the Mizoram-Assam border while trying to enter the state without any valid travel documents on Thursday, the police said.
The eight women were produced before a fast-track court, which fined them Rs 50 each and ordered that they should be pushed back to Assam. The state police handed them to the Young Muslim Association (YMA) of Bagha town in Assam's Cachar district.
The women have been identified as Toyabah Begum, Tasim, Noorkayash, Atariza, Swaminara Begum, Rubina, Sanwara Begum and Serkhu.
The women said they were from the Kutupalong refugee camp in Bangladesh's Cox's Bazar. They claimed that they were shopping at a market last Friday when a group of men abducted them. The Rohingya were taken away in a truck and brought to Silchar, the district headquarters of Cachar district.
The women said they were transported for Aizawl, where they were supposed to handed over to some people near a petrol pump at Zemabawk locality by the driver.