In a written reply in Rajya Sabha, Environment and Forests Minister Prakash Javadekar said that 2,800 indsutries under 17 categories of highly polluting industries are required to install online monitoring system.
Of these, the industries have installed 920 devices, he said.
Javadekar said that grossly polluting industries located in the Ganga basin are also required to install online monitoring system for effluents.
"The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) has issued directions to direct all industries falling under 17 categories of highly polluting industries to install online effluent/emission monitoring system inluding (those of) public sector like Steel Authority of India Limited, National Aluminium Company Limited and National Thermal Power Corporation Limited," he said.
In another written reply on waste/e-waste management, the Minister said that according to 2009 data furnished by CPCB there were 36,165 hazardous waste generating industries, generating about 6.2 million tonnes of waste per annum which increased to 41,523 industries during 2011 generating about 7.9 million tonnes per annum.
As far as e-waste is concerned, 1,46,800 metric tonnes (MT) of e-waste was generated in the country in 2005 which had been projected to increase to 8,00,000 MT by 2012.