Of 47,677 villages in the state as per the 2011 census, around 45,236 villages constituting around 96 per cent have got power connectivity by June 30, state energy secretary R K Verma said at a high-level meeting on rural electrification.
Of the remaining 2,441 villages, 541 have been identified as uninhabited ones. A detail action plan has been prepared to cover the rest of the villages and for expeditious implementation. The work has been allocated to agencies like PGCIL, OPTCL, OREDA and NTPC, Verma said.
The state government has also set a target to complete electrification of 275 villages by November this year.
OREDA (Odisha Renewable Energy Development Agency) has targeted to complete electrification of 275 villages by November, 2016, Verma said, adding of this, 198 villages would be connected through micro-grid and 76 would be covered through stand alone solar projects.
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Around 12,000 households would be benefited through this scheme.
Presiding over the meeting, Chief Secretary A P Padhi directed officials to cover the villages and hamlets on saturation mode.