As many as 1.88 crore persons from 50 districts of the state had got employment under the Centre's flagship scheme MGNREGA in April 2012 as against 3.4 lakh such beneficiaries in the same month this year, according to a report based on Electronic Fund Management System (EFMS), aimed at e-transfer of wages to the beneficiaries under the scheme.
The EFMS was implemented in the state from April this year.
Similarly in Anuppur district, 423 people were paid for their work in last month as against 3,58,631 such beneficiaries in April 2012, the data said. Also in Barwani district, 715 persons have got benefits in April this year as compared to 4,35,121 such people in the same month last year.
In Mandla district, 759 persons were employed under MGNREGA during the last month as against 5,72,920 such people in April 2012, the data said. As many as 842 were benefited under the programme during April this year in Panna district as against 2,17,512 people in April 2012, it said.
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A total of 1,762 in Indore, 3,532 in Gwalior and 5,139 people in Jabalpur have got the work and wages in the last month. Whereas, 1,42,834, 1,29,603 and 2,50,818 people in Indore, Gwalior and Jabalpur respectively had got the work during April 2012, the data said.
In Sehore district, which is represented by Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan in state legislative assembly, 5,719 people were benefited last month as against 3,20,795 beneficiaries during April last year.
"Average downfall under the MGNREGA in the Madhya Pradesh is 97.03 per cent in April 2013 against the work demand by the job card holder in April 2012," said the report.
"The figure shows corruption under MGNREGA in state. The Centre has made effective EFMS from April last month itself. Ever since there has been significant downfall in work," Ajay Dubey, a social activist, alleged.
He demanded that CBI should look into the case and "probe the irregularities".
The Centre's flagship MGNREGA ensures at least 100 days job to people living below poverty line. It ensures a minimum wage of Rs 100 for the beneficiary.