Sharma, who is an MLA from Vishwas Nagar here, said that when he was walking out of the court, some people were raising slogans allegedly in favour of Pakistan which led to a scuffle.
"When I objected to their slogans, they hit me and ran away. I and some other people then started chasing them and, thereafter whatever happened yesterday is before you as evidence," Sharma said.
The BJP MLA was in the complex yesterday in connection with the hearing in the defamation case filed by Finance Minister Arun Jaitley. Jaitley himself was in the complex for sometime.
"When someone will beat me up, the possible natural action that could be followed is what happened in this incident... Unknown people who were shouting in favour of Pakistan, were creating a wrong atmosphere. They should go there. Why they are residing in India," he said.
The violence took place when JNUSU president Kanhaiya Kumar against whom a sedition case has been filed was to be brought before metropolitan magistrate Lovleen for remand proceedings but was later taken elsewhere.