Sonali, who essays the role of Jassi on the show, aired on entertainment channel Zindagi, said the show brings out many emotions of a woman, juggling between her desires and challenges in daily life.
"Playing a complex character like 'Jassi' is a once in a lifetime opportunity. 'Aadhe Adhoore' is a rare show that explores the many emotions of a woman, who knows what she wants and confronts the challenges of life head on," Sonali told reporters yesterday while she was in the city to promote the show.
Ajay Sinha of Ananda Films, has produced and conceptualised "Aadhe Adhoore". He said the serial is a thought-provoking show that explores layering of different relationships.
"It is a powerful story that demonstrates how in life sometimes you are unable to choose your situations but your situations choose you. This show portrays women in a whole new light," he said.