The musical narrative "Rudaar-e-Shireen" or the 'Tale of Shireen' depicting the life of the protagonist, who represents an ordinary woman was performed last evening at function where the chief guest was the Woman and Child Development Minister, Maneka Gandhi.
The saga beautifully woven with music, poetry, lights, and painting of artists recreated the era of Khusro and his spiritual teacher Khwaja Nizammudin Auliya of Delhi.
It further depicts a women's plight and her discomfort of a new place, the immense burden of responsibilities imposed on her in the name of a "good wife", "good daughter-in-law" and "a good mother".
"Through Rudaar-e-Shireen, we tried to tell a musical story oriented towards women empowerment. We at Delhi Gharana strongly stand for the rights of women and we believe a society can flourish only if its women are empowered," the director and composer of the play, Ustad Iqbal Ahmed Khan said.
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"While composing I tried to come up with an amalgam of Khusro's iconic Jhoola geets, sawelas, qawwalis, bidais and Banhda geets to give the play a new twist of its kind," Khan said.
The narrative touches on pertinent issues of society like child marriage, the uncertainty of a woman after marriage, her constant struggle to survive in patriarchy, and taboos imposed on her if she embarks on a journey of self actualisation.
"Women empowerment is found everywhere these days. And portraying it through a musical story telling is innovative indeed. Khurso's work extraordinarily threw light on the situation of women at that time," says renowned Kathak artist, Uma Sharma.
The musicians were led by vocalist Vasut Iqbal Khan, who played the role of the narrator.