Captured by American photographer Mick Minard the exhibition titled "The Poetry of Purpose: A Portrait of Women Leaders of India" curated by Alka Pande is scheduled to be on view at the India Habitat Centre here from March 25-March 31.
The event is also set to be marked by the release of a book of the same name by Shashi Gogate, a medical practitioner based in the US which Minard has co-authored.
The exhibition and the book features names such as the daughter of Gujarat Chief Minister, Anar Patel, who has co founded Gramshree and Manav Sadhna, NGOs that works for artisans and women. Other names included are that of Jagmati Sangwan the Gen Secretary of the AIl India Democratic Women's Association and a former volleyball player besides film director Madhureeta Anand and Razia, a social health activist among many others.
The exhibition contains a selection of photographs from the thousands of those clicked by Minard during her visits to "transit camps in Mumbai to the slums in Lucknow to the farm fields of Alwar and the ball fields of Rohtak.